About Us
Our Mission
We get kids outdoors, where great science learning happens!
Our Vision:
Inspiring curiosity and lifelong connections to science.
What is Science Kids?
We believe great science learning happens outdoors! Established in 2009 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we're on a mission to provide Northcentral Wyoming youth with unparalleled outdoor science education.
We are rooted in the belief that the best way to learn is by getting outside and engaging hands-on with nature.
We're more than an educational initiative—we're an adventure, empowering children to delve into the wonders of nature firsthand, igniting a genuine passion for scientific inquiry.
We believe in crafting environments where each child's unique potential thrives with small class sizes and personalized attention.
Our summertime classes, limited to twelve children per class, boast a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio, ensuring personalized attention and a safe environment for discovery.
Our instructors, deeply passionate about their fields, bring joy and hands-on learning to explore natural habitats on private and public lands in Wyoming.
Prioritizing safety, our experienced instructors guide young explorers through diverse natural habitats.
Our core programming thrives in the summer,
but with partners like Wyoming PBS and
the Sheridan Community Land Trust,
we bring year-round science learning opportunities.
Our Impact
At Science Kids, our impact resonates beyond individuals, reaching communities and forging partnerships that elevate the joy of science learning.
Collaborating with esteemed organizations, we amplify our reach, creating a network of support for curious minds.
Wyoming PBS
Sheridan Community Land Trust
Showcasing Science Kids in action, we reach far and wide touching young hearts and minds through our online, award-winning educational series.
Breaking down barriers to education, we offer scholarships, ensuring every child experiences the magic of outdoor science exploration.

Inspired to get kids outdoors and learning?

Fun Facts & High Fives
People reached with science-learning opportunities, since 2009.
People reached with in-person programs and education events in 2024.
Community members learned during our Unplug events in 2024.
Student served in summer classes in 2024.
Scholarships were provided to the kids served in summer 2024 classes.
One Regional Emmy and one Public Media Award for our Executive Director and our program NatureWY.
Species of
native bees live in Wyoming—part of the wonders of Science Kids.
Partnership Power
Established Education Partners
14 years with Audubon Rockies
12 years with Sheridan Community Land Trust
8 years with the Bureau of Land Management Field Office in Buffalo, WY
7 years with the University of Wyoming Biodiversity Institute
5 years with Rooted in Wyoming
4 years with Wyoming PBS
3 years with Sheridan College’s Museum of Discovery
2 years with The City of Sheridan
2 years with Sheridan County School District 2
1 year with Piney Island Native Plants and Piney Island Conservation Services
Dragonfly Delight
Dragonflies, with their unique ability to hover, fly backward, and boast a remarkable 360-degree field of vision, date back over 300 million years (predating even the dinosaurs). Zooming at speeds of up to 30 mph, they symbolize swift agility and embody transformation and adaptability.
The Science Kids dragonfly was created from a line drawing by a commercial artist in the early 1960s for Thorne Nature Experience (previously Thorne Ecological), a nonprofit started in 1954 by Dr. Oakleigh Thorne, II.
Science Kids inherited the dragonfly icon and this particular line drawing when Dr. Thorne’s daughter, Sarah Mentock, started Science Kids in 2009.
It’s been with us ever since.